Christmas is our cherished winter festival, a time when we share gifts and well wishes with those we care about. Our gift to you, faithful friends who care so deeply about animals, is our sincere gratitude and affection.
Animal protection work is hard and often discouraging, but the animals need us. So our wish for you is that you will find that special quality of resilience in the days to come.
Resilience. That inner force that allows us to get back up after a fall – or after being pushed down – as we animal advocates so often are. We work hard, pressing for new laws or better policies. Sometimes we are successful as we cross the finish line. At other times our hopes are dashed as political promises are broken, and the success that we fought so hard for is snatched away. But resilience means we get back up and push on.
Resilience is how we’ve achieved every goal for animals. Resilience and its sister quality, persistence, are essential to all we do. We know that you, our friends and allies, bring these to your support for animals too.
We’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of resilience over the last months. As many of you know, in March 2024, our co-founder, Liz White, received a double lung transplant and entered a whole new world of doctors, appointments, ongoing tests, some setbacks and surgical procedures. The transplant community described the recovery from such surgery as a marathon. They were exactly right. Thankfully, Liz has the resilience to do all the recovery work needed, to overcome challenges and never give up. We are pleased to tell you that so far, Liz has passed all the tests in her post-surgery evaluations and has been able to resume some work from her home, work to save the lives of animals. Thank you so much for your support and understanding through her medical journey.
Thank you too for the resilience that you have shown not only for the animals, but for our organization as well. Knowing that we have caring allies supporting the campaigns we’ve already taken on, like our campaign to stop Canada’s Department of National Defence from using live piglets in military trauma training. Campaign Manager, Twyla Francois is working hard on that effort, and our entire team is determined to bring that to a successful conclusion. And your openness to engage with us on new efforts as they emerge also means the world to us.
The days ahead might be challenging, but for those who believe in justice and compassion over self-interest and exploitation, life has always been challenging. Our fight is worth it. Our work is essential. Animals are depending on us, and, together, we won’t let them down.
We take comfort in knowing that no matter who opposes us, they will find our remarkable movement to be one that is resilient.
At this special time of year, and always, thank you. We hope that you find comfort and hope, just as we do with your support and friendship.
Lia Laskaris
Liz White
Barry Kent MacKay
Twyla Francois
Nicole Sapalovski
Verena Besso
Vicki Van Linden