By Barry Kent MacKay
Director, Animal Alliance of Canada
Director of Canadian & Special Programs, Born Free

The late American poet-philosopher Maya Angelou said: “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.”
I think it’s a safe bet that the quote, and Angelou, are both unknown to newly elected Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who once said: “If she walked by me, I wouldn’t have a clue who she is.” His ignorance in that case was in reference to possibly Canada’s most famous, easily recognized living writer (and a resident of the city whose mayor was Ford’s own brother and who Ford, as a councillor, was helping to govern), Margaret Atwood. She had corrected Ford’s absurd assertion that his ward contained more libraries than Tim Horton’s coffee shops.
That level of ignorance is no virtue. If I may quote Angelou once more: “The root cause of all the problems we have in the world today is ignorance of course. But most, polarization.”
To the “populist” politicians and their “base”, their core supporters, it is not what is factual, but what you feel, what your intuition, your “gut”, tells you, that counts.
And in answering the question posed at by the title of this blog, it is important to first understand that hate, ignorance and polarization are not only handmaidens (all puns intended) of each other but exactly what Ford’s plan to wipe out Double-crested Cormorants in Ontario, encompasses. He indeed polarizes.
The issue is that, as is the inclination of authoritarian political leaders, without consultation Ford has proposed a series of Draconian legislative steps that will greatly damage Ontario’s environment, and wildlife, in various ways.
This includes a plan to re-define the Double-crested Cormorant as a “game” bird, with an open season that lasts from March 15 to December 31, and no limit on “possession”.
For the first time in Canadian game management, hunted birds won’t have to be utilized as food. Any hunter with the correct small game hunting license could legally kill well over 13,000 birds per year. At that rate it would take only about 18 hunters to eliminate all the cormorants in the Great Lakes basin in a single year, and with a very few more able to eliminate the species from the entire province. No one hunter could kill that many, but then, while hunters’ numbers are in precipitous decline, there are still a many times more than enough to again eliminate the species in most of Ontario.
In an excellent commentary published by The Toronto Star on December 10, 2018 (see: political commentator par excellence, Thomas Walkom, asks a similar, related question, why are cormorants in the crosshairs of Doug Ford’s party, the provincial Progressive Conservatives?
Having a majority in provincial parliament, Ford and his party has free rein to enact regressive laws. The party is neither conservative nor progressive, but they can do what they want, so why do they want to kill cormorants and cause horrific suffering and deaths to their orphaned nestlings? What game species is deliberately and legally shot when it has dependent young? Why hate cormorants?
While the answer to the uninformed minds of Ford’s base would simply be “because cormorants eat all the fish”, meaning fish otherwise available to both sport and commercial anglers, as is well known by those who actually study cormorant diets, it is wrong. I think that inaccurate belief is only part of the answer.
But it is not quite what Walkom asked. We’ll get to that.
There is often excessive antipathy toward predators, seen by the environmentally illiterate as competitors for what we humans need or want. Among fish-eating species, seals, sealions, porpoises and other cetaceans, sharks and other mammals have been scapegoated – blamed for declines in commercially “harvested” fish stocks. Among native Ontario birds, Ospreys, pelicans, herons, Belted Kingfishers, loons, grebes, mergansers and other species have, at various times, been targeted for organized killing. They are all now protected, to varying degrees, in response to increasing understanding of basic ecological principles.
But none evoke as much sheer detestation as cormorants; they really are hated, to an irrational, visceral degree, by a significant minority of people. It is not all that unusual, especially for people who lived prior to about the mid-twentieth century, before there was much knowledge about wildlife population dynamics and predator-prey interrelationships and the importance of apex predators to biodiversity, to want to kill all predators. And a few species, like wolves, can still too often arouse such levels of irrational fear and hatred.
It has been suggested that some of the excoriation directed against cormorants reflects deep-seated bigotry of the worse kind. The theory points to the fact that cormorants were once called ni**er goose in some quarters (you can imagine which) and to a situation in Australia, where there are two small cormorant species very similar in size, shape and diets, but one is black and white while the other is all black, the latter being far less tolerated than the former. Other black birds, such as crows, grackles and starlings, also seem to attract disproportionate dislike, where they dare to be common. “Black” is, as people in support of civil rights have been known to observe, seen as negative, the colour that depends on an absence of light, thus the antheses to what light represents, as symbolized in the word, “enlightenment”, or in religious texts associating light with grace, goodness and God. White pelicans, which eat more fish per bird than any cormorant (because they are bigger; they need more) are, like swans and egrets, more fondly considered.
Maybe, but that didn’t stop assailants from killing both cormorants and American White Pelicans at a mutual nesting colony Manitoba, stomping on eggs and babies, and has not prevented demonization of Mute Swans and Snow Geese, both white.
The “blackness” theory is all too speculative for me and I think the answer is simpler, although not entirely simplistic.
To help understand the hatred, we need a little history.
The species was twice reduced to virtually endangered status in Ontario. The first reduction happened, I theorize, hot on the heels of colonization by European “settlers”. They carried with them guns and a combination of fear and ignorance about the wilderness, which was to be tamed and conquered. Because of their devotion to their nesting duties cormorants are extremely vulnerable to persecution. It’s inconceivable that they would be found from Alaska to Florida and the West Indies, and from Newfoundland to California and Mexico, and yet be absent from the largest source of fresh water fish in the world, quite near the centre of that vast range. As mostly European “pioneers” filled the land, cormorants, and a vast number of other wildlife species, gave way. Cormorants were easily destroyed.
Following the end of the War of 1812, commercial fisheries began in the Great Lakes and no cormorant nest site would have been safe from persecution, happening before qualified naturalists arrived on the scene to record the presence of nesting birds. This led to the oddly absurd belief that cormorants therefore were never present!
But they were, and there are indications of them nesting in Sandusky Bay, Ohio, which is part of Lake Erie, late into the 19th Century. By the time qualified observations were being made, direct evidence of Great Lakes nesting was scarce to absent, east of Lake of the Woods, until some were found in Lake Superior in 1913, where locals said they had nested all along.
The “official” version is that from there they spread eastward, reaching Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River by 1945.
On its website Environment Canada says, “Historically, it is thought that the Double-crested Cormorant did not nest in the Great Lakes. Archaeological excavations in aboriginal settlements have not shown any evidence of the bird. Although cormorants have nested in Lake of the Woods (in northwestern Ontario) for hundreds of years, the first suspected nesting on the Great Lakes did not occur until 1913, at the far western end of Lake Superior. From there colonies spread eastward to Lake Nipigon in the 1920s, to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay in the early 1930s and finally to Lakes Ontario and Erie in the late 1930s (Figure 1: Cormorants first nested on Lake Superior in 1913, and spread eastward to Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River By 1945.”
Environment Canada’s website ignores any evidence contrary to what it says and misstates that there is no archeological evidence of the bird in the Great Lakes prior to then. That is simply not true (their bones have, in fact, been found in kitchen middens – remains of animals eaten by native peoples centuries ago, albeit not often; they are not good to eat) but it promotes the idea that the bird did not historically occur in the Great Lakes, and thus is an intruder, an “invader”, an immigrant, as it were.
Then Minister of what was at the time called the Ministry of Natural Resources, David Ramsay, said, in 2004, that the cormorants were not native, but an “invasive” species. Again, that is not remotely true. That ridiculous claim has since been dropped by the provincial government although it seems still to be believed by some who so thoughtlessly hate cormorants.
Following the end of WWII, DDT was introduced into the environment with disastrous results, as the pesticide bioaccumulated up the food chain, to render several fish-eating bird species unable to produce viable eggs. The same Environment Canada website is probably far more accurate in saying, “The cormorant disappeared as a nesting bird on Lakes Michigan and Superior and only about ten pairs remained on Lake Ontario.”
However, by 1973, recovery was well underway, again.
And there is what is a significant part of the real origin of fear and hatred directed against Double-crested Cormorants. The ecological niche that cormorants occupy was already there, and in fact had increased. Cormorants tend to eat coarse fish species that are abundant, and several such species had newly entered the ecosystem, including the herring-like Alewife, a truly invasive species.
I saw my first cormorants, as a kid, in 1957, and the beach I was standing near, at Presqu’ile Provincial Park, Lake Ontario, was covered in rotting piles of dead Alewives. Alewives’ food consists of plankton and other tiny organisms at or near the base of food chains upon which larger fish depend, along with small fish and other organisms of various other species, including the young of species of interest to anglers.
Alewives spawn at the same time cormorants are feeding, and spawning Alewives are an ideal size for cormorants. As cormorant numbers went up, on average the number of dead and rotting Alewives on the beaches went down, and the kinds of fish that anglers pursue had more food, to their benefit. The return of the cormorants was good news indicating environmental healing.
No one now alive was around when cormorants were here prior to nearly vanishing at the end of the 19th century, and few if anyone alive would recall their growing numbers prior to World War II. Thus, the perception is that the “normal” number of cormorants is what is remembered from our youth, which in many lakes and rivers, would be none at all.
Thus the “norm” to such folks is not what a healthy ecosystem looks like, cormorants, fish and all, but what it looks like when a key species, the cormorant, is endangered or absent. Add to that, a lack of understanding that in naturally evolved predator-prey relationships, prey population size determines how many predators there are, not the other way around.
Currently most water that cormorants could occupy lacks them; most fish cormorants could eat don’t get eaten by them; most islands and headlands where cormorants might nest, they don’t.
However, when and where they do occur, they may do so in large numbers. They are a species that is very “social” and that tends to occur in large concentrations. Large numbers of wildlife is not a sight anyone alive today is used to seeing. We might read about the vast numbers of wildlife that greeted the first European settlers, but we have no memory of them. The vast seabird breeding colonies, the schools of cod so thick they impeded the progress of ships, the massive herds of bison whose sheer weight shook the earth, the unimaginably enormous numbers of Passenger Pigeons eclipsing the sun, the wide flocks of migrating Eskimo Curlews and other shorebirds, the expanses of caribou across the tundra, numbers of deer, bear, moose, waterfowl…and cormorants…gone now, many, including some that were once the most numerous, are extinct, extirpated or endangered.
But some do recover. When a species does occur, even locally, in large numbers, it tends to be perceived as an anomaly, an abomination, an affront to our own self-important domination of an environment we still want to control, to dominate. The number of people in the Greater Toronto Area is more than the number of Double-crested Cormorants continent-wide, and yet Premier Ford thinks there are “too many”.
There is also the “squeamish factor”. With our cellophane-wrapped meat and air-conditioned or gas-heated homes and the support of unprecedented technologies upon which we have rapidly become dependent, we are isolated from the true nature, the texture, the essence of life and life processes. The concentrations of excrement that are so normal and typical a part of any concentration of any species, our own included when modern plumbing is not to be had, offends us. The un-sanitized world is just too “dirty”, it can smell unpleasant; the reality of life and death is disagreeable and disturbing, dangers lurk…an unwelcome intrusion into our technologically barricaded womb of equanimity.
But while I think all of that goes into explaining hatred of cormorants, where it exists, it does not answer Thomas Walkom’s more probing question: why are cormorants in the crosshairs of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives?
The key to the answer is, I believe, embedded in the question.
Crosshairs is a reference to shooters, and while we don’t have the “gun culture” to be found in the U.S., it is not entirely missing. Whereas our southern neighbours have the National Rifle Association, the NRA, a major political force down there, in Ontario we have the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, OFAH. Both organizations share a problem and do so with the respective governments of the jurisdictions in which they operate and with various business interests.
That problem is a precipitous decline in hunters. Hunters pay license fees that go into government coffers, and membership fees and donations that fund the NRA and OFAH and payments to outfitters, and equipment suppliers such as gun, ammo and hunting gear producers and retailers. It’s a symbiotic relationship of intertwined and interdependent interests.
I can’t think that the more knowledgeable of OFAH’s advisors really are as ignorant of ecology as their anti-cormorant indicates, but they know they depend on the hook and bullet fraternity for their survival. As numbers of birders, hikers, nature photographers, and others who enjoy wildlife in the absence of killing increases, and the population overall progressively understands and appreciates the whole of nature and the proper functioning of predators and prey, it becomes increasingly difficult to attract those who want to kill what so many of us admire. OFAH, like so many hunting organizations, is seeking recruits, women, children, people from different cultures. There was a time when an organization like OFAH could, and did, disdain the slob hunter, and insist that hunting was a “sport”, involving “fair chase”, use of the meat, and sought to contribute to conservation under management regimes that theoretically assure no decline in “game”. Killing, they would righteously claim, was not the goal, just part of their involvement in nature, no less than the stalking fox, the predatory owl.
As well as trying to attract new members, they have had to justify themselves to those members, and what better way than to mount a campaign to “protect” the “resource” so many of their supporters, and others, depend on: viable numbers of commercial and sport fish species. As an added bonus, OFAH could, and did, claim that cormorants were destroying the ecosystem, as though they were not a part of it, but some existential, alien force, the metaphorical equivalent of an invading army of foreigners, strange, different, threatening. By dropping their proclaimed aversion to the “slob hunter”, and the “game hog”, they appealed to the pleasures such folks take in simply killing, in knocking a bird from the sky.
And onto that scene bumbled Doug Ford. While most of us who voted in the last provincial election voted for a different party, with only forty percent voting for Ford’s Progressive Conservatives, that gave him 61 percent of the seats in parliament, thus a “majority”. He wants to keep it, and so he wants to appeal to those who voted for him, his “base”.
A city slicker himself, Ford would know little about cormorants beyond having seen their numbers increase in cottage country, and believing that yes, they eat fish, I catch fish, ergo the fish they catch would otherwise be mine, would be caught by – voters.
City folks tended not to vote for Ford’s party, hence the need to maintain that rural support, and what better way than to ignore facts and do as wanted by OFAH. To Ford OFAH is, I suspect, representative not of the population as it is, but as it was when, in the minds of so many, things were better. We need scapegoats as to why we can’t have more, and cormorants are part of a long list of such, starting with the defeated opposition.
Ford, like his apparent role model, U.S. president Donald Trump, seems bent on appeasing his base, on undoing regulations and setting the clock back years, decades, and in the case of the cormorants, more than a century, a century of slow progress in wildlife management strategy.
Following Walkom’s excellent opinion piece a letter to the editor written by Susan Fraser summed it up by pointing out that, “Since coming into office, Doug Ford has created very few beneficial policies for the people of Ontario, but he is certainly fixated on destroying previous positive policies: radically reducing a small, expected increase in social assistance payments, destroying a research project to look at an alternative and possibly a less expensive way of providing social assistance (guaranteed annual income); killing an increase in the minimum wage, etc. He is now turning what appears to be his destructive tendencies toward a harmless and helpless bird.”
Indeed, he has brought in the kind of omnibus bill that will allow the destruction of sensitive, hitherto somewhat protected “greenbelt” areas essential to the provision of clean water and climate change, not to mention endangered species. And this will be done while gutting regulations that assure the safety of drinking water – the last time a PC government did that, it led to seven deaths and many sicknesses. Ford’s Bill 66 will reduce care standards for young kids in child care facilities, in the interest of increasing profits. Bill 66 threatens hard-won safety measures for workers, and for the environment with Trumpian assurances of more jobs, more income, lower taxes, of course.
It is possible that he has miscalculated. This is not the U.S., and even there, President Trump’s ratings are not conducive to a second term. I think Ford may have miscalculated the importance of wildlife killing to Canadians. Yes, we have a greater amount of land and wildlife per citizen than do many countries and a similar history and culture of hunting, fishing, trapping….ever the hewers of wood and drawers of water, but we also are better educated and more diverse than in the days before the regulations he wishes to abolish existed. A hundred years ago one could easily demonize wildlife and conduct business without worrying about the effects on innocent others, but now, not so much.
Ford will last four years in power, and after that there will be so much damage for the next government to undo, that may take time to, for the third time, seek to bring cormorants back from being endangered in Ontario.
It would be much better if we can prevent endangerment in the first place. Stopping it now is the solution. Ford’s ignorance and lack of empathy for others are not traits we need to share, or accept.